+387 66 909 195



2MB is a recognized partner in the field of ethical entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the focus on the new methods of promotion, 2MB strives to contribute to the promotion of local entrepreneurship, protection and interpretation of cultural and natural heritage, socially responsible civil activism, freedom of press and respect of human rights and freedoms. 2MB supports the organization of events, conferences, seminars and trainings in the field, always with strong connection to the local and regional communities and their interests.



2MB works directly with local communities and local authorities in raising awareness of the need to make the cities more functional and beautiful at the same time. Through sustainable projects, we offer innovative city boxes that replace common waste bins and contribute to the better branding of the streets. The city boxes have advertising value as well and the advantage in both financial support and prioritisation is given to the promotion of local products, humanitarian organisations and local entrepreneurs. The response from the local communities has been inspirational, the city boxes have been recognises as a more ecological solution that fits well in urban areas. Cooperation with local services has also been established for the benefits of all stakeholders.


2MB focuses also on the support needed for the organisation of major events, seminars and trainings that support the promotion and protection of cultural heritage, social political activism, freedom of media and reporting, economic development and respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms.


Interpret Europe Conference 2019

2MB is a proud partner to Interpret Europe, the European Association for the interpretation of heritage during the organisation of the conference „Interpret Europe 2019 (iecon19)“, which takes place on 31 May – 3 June 2019 in Sarajevo as the capital of European culture.

Interpret Europe encourages dialogue and partnership between associations and universities, providers and professionals. More than 750 members from 48 countries share their expertise in making natural and cultural heritage more meaningful to people.

We are proud to host the visit of more than 150 lead experts in the area of culture, heritage, nature and landscape and to help them experience the diversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The participants will have the  opportunity to truly engage with the local communities and experts, visit 10 study visits showcasing different ways of interpretation of cultural and natural heritage and exchange knowledge with the network of heritage innovators. More conference information is available at: http://interpreteuropeconference.net/


We support the work of local non-governmental organizations and we provide professional support to the organisation’s annual events and meetings, including efforts in strategic planning, work analysis and evaluation programs. We are proud to highlight our expertise in organising regional summits, including the Regional Leaders Summit with one of the highest attendance rates in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The conference was held in Sarajevo as a high-level event with keynotes and officials from Western Balkans and the European Union.